Calhoun Baptist Church
Bro. Jordan Hodges- Pastor
Sunday, March 18, 2012
It was a beautiful day to be in the house of God and to be able to thank him for all of His many blessings that He has provided for us. Our Brother Mark Schneider, who is also our Song Leader, opened our Worship Service with Welcome and with Prayer. This is the time to make the announcements for upcoming events and honor birthdays and anniversaries. Only one person had a birthday to celebrate. We sang Happy Birthday to a very special young man whose name is Bret Allen. Happy Birthday Bret!
The Mission Moment was for Annie Armstrong Emphasis on North American Missions Board. Our G. A. Girls are making a chain with one link for every 10 cents that is given for this Easter Offering. As of today the chain has 715 Links with a message on each one! As the song leader called the Choir to come forward he ask each one in the congregation to greet their neighbor and give them a welcome hand shake or hug!
We all sang these wonderful hymns, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” Great Is the Lord,” and the Meditation Hymn, “The Love of Christ Who Died for Me,“
With the absences of our pastor Jordan, Brother Mark introduced our good friend Nathan Sinclair who brought the message to us from the book of Luke, Chapter 15:11-32,
The Parable of the Lost Son,” with a special message that shows us that when we return to God his grace is sufficient to cover any and all sins that we may have in our lives.
With special emphasis on:
Luke 11: 32. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.
This must be how our Heavenly Father feels when we turn from our sinful ways and serve Him!
Those we should pray for this week are: Debbie Willings, Rosa Williams, Miranda Carney & baby girl, Helen Reynolds, Teresa Brooks, Lori Schneider, Jay Lilly, Jim & Sandy Paul, Pete Hansen, Rusty Cowen, Wally Slack, Claudean Brown, Janice Ivey, Elsie Onwiler, Janet Taylor, June Berry, Jennifer Strouse, Chad Price, Shaine Thompson.
The extended Prayer Concerns list is on our bulletin board.
Remember our men and women in the Military.
Upcoming Events:
Month of March North American Mission Board and Annie Armstrong Emphasis Easter Offering~
March 24th Brotherhood Breakfast. 8 A. M.
April 10 WMU Mtg. 7;00 P.M. at the church,
Fri. & Sat. April 20st. & 21st Disaster Relief Training FBC Clinton
Come to see us, we are located 3 blocks off of 52 on V Highway, Calhoun MO. 65323
Sunday Morning Fellowship with a light Breakfast 9:30 A.M.
Sunday School – with a Class for all ages 10:00 A.M.
Worship Services 11:00 A.M.
We have Children’s Church and Nursery for the little ones.
Sunday Evening Worship at 6 P.M.
Wednesday evening services 7:00 P.M Youth Group, RA’s and GA’s