Calhoun Baptist Church News August 26, 2012~

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Calhoun Baptist Church News Aug.26, 2012~

There was  special music beginning at 10:30 A.M.  by Brother Joe Hall and New Life church.

The Sunday School and Worship Services at the church were dismissed for the Calhoun Colt Show Community Church Services @11: A. M. at the Court House Yard. With a Carry-in-Meal to follow at Noon. The much needed rain was willing to hold off until about the time the Benediction was being given by Brother Terry Barrow.

There was be a Christian Concert in the afternoon sponsored by the Calhoun Baptist Church! The director of this concert was Heather Hollinger who also headed up the Water Ministry with her husband Jeff and many other helpers!! A special thank you to all who contributed water for the ministery!

The churches that took part in the Worship Services besides Calhoun Baptist were Calhoun/Drake’s Chapel UMC, Mt. Olivet Baptist and New Life Church.

Our message for the day was brought by Brother Chris Aery who is the pastor at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. It was about how we are a priority to God. His sermon was based upon the story of Jonah in the Old Testament who tried to run from God and God caused a big fish to swallow Jonah and he was in the belly of the (Whale) for three days! The Bible says fish! Most of us know the story!!

You will find the story in the Book of Jonah in the Bible!

Brother Terry Barrow offered the Invocation and the Benediction, Sister Margie Briggs held Children’s Church and Brother Joe Hall was the Song Leader  for the wonderful  hymns that we enjoyed singing in God’s Outdoor Church! We want to offer a special thank you to the Pianist, Sister Joyce Trolinger and Brother Kenny Price for the use of his Sound Equipment!

PRAYER CONCERNS: The Rusty Cowen Family, Pete & Anna Myrtle Hansen’s son-in-law ~Riley-Ann Dunn~ Nada Fenwick~ Margaret Fields~ Lucy Greer ~Bob Adams~ Renee’ Brooks~ Tom Dirck~ Donald Dirck~

Pray for our Deacons, Pastor Search Team, and for our Men and Women in Service of our Country~

There is an extended Prayer Request list on our Bulletin Board.

We have Sunday Morning Fellowship with a light Breakfast 9:30 A.M.
Sunday School 10:00 – A Class for all Ages,
Worship Services @ 11 AM

Remember that R A’s and G A’s meet every Wednesday night at 7 P.M

We are located 3 blocks off 52 on V Highway
Our Website: