Calhoun Baptist Church News March 17, 2013~

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Calhoun Baptist Church News March 17, 2013~
Rev. David Van Bebber, Pastor:

After our time of individual age group “Sunday School Classes”, there was a time of meeting and greeting each other before the Worship Services begin. This is always a time of joy for the congregation in seeing old friends and neighbors and meeting visitors and getting to know everyone.

Brother David greeted everyone with a welcome to worship the Lord this wonderful Sabbath day in Spirit and in the Truth that comes only from God!
We are reminded once again that this is the month to share our blessings the Lord has so graciously given to us with an offering to the “Anne “Armstrong Easter Offering” which are used for “North American Missions”. We watched a film about how our offerings are used to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ here in America!

“The Heart of Worship” was once again our uplifting Contemporary Praise Song on the big screen, as we prepared ourselves to worship our Lord!
Our Church’s Choir was called forward by our song leader Sister Heather. The call to Worship Song we sang was “I Love You Lord”.

We have our time for Praising God for answered prayers and a time for Prayer Request. Our Pastor David then prays for each person listed for prayer, seeking Gods will in Jesus’ Name. We all sang the special hymns of praise and worship they were “Jesus is All the World to me” and “There is Something About That Name”.

In the book of John, Chapter 16:13-15. was were Pastor David’s verses were for Reading of  the Word today.

John 16:13-15 (NIV)

13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”


We have access to the Truth. We must speak the Truth, our Proclamation of the Truth will be directed by the Holy Spirit. As a Christian we have the Truth and as evidence we must share it. Our Proclamation will be directed by the Holy Spirit. God is preparing hearts now for us to follow through with the message. We can have a daily walk with the Spirit when we are with God and there is a change in us. Is there a change in our Spiritual walk? What will God say to us on that Judgment Day of the Lord, well done or depart from Me? You can read about this in Matthew 7: 22and 23.

If we are led by the Spirit we are speaking the TRUTH, sharing the TRUTH and being directed by the TRUTH.

Prayers Concerns: Melissa Willings~ Laverne Roberts~ Gus Self~ Harold Wright~ Jim Vickers~ Kelly Marriott~ Janet High~ Deloris Wyatt ~ Danny Henry ~Cathy Lamb ~Taylor Briggs ~Dick Briggs and Pastor Margie Briggs~ Cameron Thomas ~ Elaine Motzinger~ Becky Schildknecht ~ Renee Brooks ~Men and women in the Services~ Pray for our Schools ~ Vacation Bible School.
“Anne Armstrong Easter Offering” the Month of March, for North American Missions~
Sunday March 24th. Palm Sunday Services~
Saturday March 30th. Filling of the Easter Eggs at 9 A.M.

Come and join us at this time of Worship!

“Sunday March 3ith. Easter Sunday Services”
Note the time changes for activities:
Easter Breakfast @ 8:30 – Sunday School 9:30- Egg Hunt @ 10:30- Worship Services @ 11 – No Evening Services.

Our regular times are: A Sunday School Class for each age group @ 10:00~
Worship Services @ 11 –

“Prayer Services” and Bible Study @ 6:00 PM –

Youth Group with Brother Dave & helper on Wednesdays at 7 P.M.
R.A.’s & G.A.’s on Wednesdays at 7 P.M.

Church Office is open Thursdays from 2-5 PM and Saturdays 10-11 AM

We are located 3 blocks off 52 on V Highway
Check out our Website: