Calhoun Baptist Church News Sunday May 5, 2013~
Rev. David Van Bebber, Pastor:
It was so good to be in the house of the Lord this beautiful Sabbath morning! Brother David welcomed everyone and announced the events coming in May.
Brother Terry Barrow prayed for a blessing of the Word to be applied to our hearts and our lives.
The reading of the Word was from John 16: 31-33.
“Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
We must believe. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Thoughts to Ponder: See we have a choice, we can rely on ourselves and continually be let down or we can put our faith in the One who overcame. We must do this continually.
Prayer Concerns: The Family of Elaine Motsinger ~ Georgia Willings ~
Beverly Ketchum ~ Frances Barrow ~Bob Brooks ~ Forest Pinkston ~Mitchell Parman~ Don & Zelma Gregory~ David Micke~ Gerald Newman ~ Sonie Snider ~ Laverne Roberts~ Ronnie Faulkenberry~ Carolyn Dew ~ Renee Brooks ~ VBS
Remember our men and women in the Service of our Country~
Pray for our Country and our Schools ~
Mothers Day is Sunday May 12th. “Honor your Mother!”
Tuesday, May 14th. Assoc. Exec. Board Mtg. at Grover Park Baptist @ 7 PM
Friday, May 31st. Outdoor Movie & Free Popcorn, After Dark (Bring your Lawn Chairs)
VBS the 1st. Week of June, 2nd – 7th
Come and join us in worshiping the Lord! You are always welcome!
We have a Sunday School Class for each age group @ 10:00~
Worship Services @ 11 –
“Prayer Service” and Bible Study @ 6:00 PM
Youth Group on Wednesdays at 7 P.M. with Brother Dave & his helper Brother Mark Isabelle
R.A.’s & G.A.’s on Wednesdays at 7 P.M.
Church Office is open Thursdays from 2-5 PM and Saturdays 10-11 AM
We are located 3 blocks off 52 on V Highway
Check out our Website: