Calhoun Baptist Church News February, 9, 2014~
Rev. David Van Bebber, Pastor
The Choir along with the Congregation sang the hymn “Brethren We Have Met”. Our Pastor David welcomed everyone and offered our first prayer of the morning Worship Services.
It was so good to welcome the Holy Spirit to be present with us this wonderful Sabbath morning!
Brother David’s reading of the Word was from the Book of Luke Ch. 15:11-13. “The Parable of the Prodigal Son”.
The Parable of the Lost Son
11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons.12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.
13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.
His sermon continued through the rest of the chapter of Luke.
Just maybe we should call this parable the lost son and his loving father. There wasn’t a loving and true older brother in this parable. Perhaps we could call him the brother filled with hatred for his little brother. Is our church one where a lost brother would feel like he could come freely into the congregation and feel like he was welcomed home?
Our Prayer Concerns are for Brother David~ Norman Mantonia~ Ercia & jeff Holtmeyer ‘s Twin Baby Girls~ Alahya Breeden~ Barbara Lewis~ Wanda Fields~ Sally Gifford and her family~ Kelcee Mead~ Jen Jeffries~ Anna Myrtle Hansen~ Frances Barrow~ Janice Ivy ~ Bob Hawkins~ Janet Taylor
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, February 11th. Exec. Board Mtg. @ 7 PM
Valentine Banquet (NOON) on February 16th. with “Carry-in-Dinner” The Youth will be Servers
There will be “A Tea” provided by the G. A,’s on March 30th. More information latter
We are planning a “Good Friday Celebration” this year on April 18th.
Sunday School @ 10:00 – A Class for each Age Group
Worship Services @ 11 AM and
Worship Services @ 11 AM and
Bible Study and Prayer Meeting @ 6:00 PM
G.A.’s Wednesday’s @ 7 PM
R.A.’s Sundays @ 5 PM (except 2nd. Sundays)
Youth meets Wednesday at the church @ 7:00- 8:00 PM
G.A.’s Wednesday’s @ 7 PM
R.A.’s Sundays @ 5 PM (except 2nd. Sundays)
Youth meets Wednesday at the church @ 7:00- 8:00 PM
We are located 3 blocks off 52 on V Highway
Our Website is:
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