Calhoun Baptist Church News August 2, 2015~
Rev. David Van Bebber, Pastor:
The Reading of the Word was from Acts 7:18-29. NIV
Brother Davids Sermon was called “God Keeps Preparing the Way for His People”.
Then another king, who knew nothing about Joseph, became ruler of Egypt.
He dealt treacherously with our people and oppressed our forefathers by forcing them to throw out their newborn babies so that they would die.
“At that time Moses was born, and he was no ordinary child. For three months he was cared for in his father’s house
When he was placed outside, Pharaoh’s daughter took him and brought him up as her own son.
Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action. (You can read the last verses in your own Bible!)
Our Prayer Concerns are for the Dick Briggs Family, Brittany Kampe Lancia, and Babies, Drew and Melissa Willings, Randy Acker, Gordan & Diane England, Doug Cooper,
Remember our Men and Women in the Military Service for our country and
pray for the Worlds’ Issues.
Sunday August 23rd Community Church Planning 2 pm. @ CBC
August 30th. Singspiration at Mt. Olivet at 6 PM
We have Sunday School @ 10:00 AM
A Class for each Age Group
Worship Services Sunday @ 11 AM
A Nursery for the Little Ones
At 6 PM on Wednesdays Youth Group Meets (Except for this week no meeting)
Wednesdays at 7 PM GA’s & RA’S .
Also Adult Bible Study Meets Wednesdays @ 7 PM
Come and worship with us.
We are located 3 blocks off 52 on V Highway .
Visit our Facebook Page it is
Each sermon is on Podcast at our website