We began our worship singing “The Family of God” and welcomed each other in fellowship. On this Father’s Day Sunday, all fathers were recognized and presented a small “sweet treat” in their honor. Pastor Mark Abney used Acts 3 and titled his message “Peter’s Second Sermon”. Peter was preaching to a crowd that didn’t believe in the resurrection. He proclaimed Jesus Christ. When told by the Sadducees to no longer speak or teach in the name of Jesus, Peter said he could not but speak the truth. You and I must also speak the truth about Jesus Christ.
Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Curtis Barrow whose day was June 15th Happy anniversary to Jim and Kay Pogue who celebrated their special day on June 18th.
Please pray for the following people Joann Vandestowe, Harold Kingsland, Edwin Pogue, Ryan Mantonya, Paula Oliphant, and Rosie Mantonya. Praise God for answered prayers.
Don’t forget about Celebrate Recovery every Sunday evening beginning at 5:30 pm with supper. At 6:30 pm large group worship starts and then at 7:30 pm small groups meet. There’s a place for you at CR.
Coming up on June 30th will be Singspiration. It will be held at Calhoun Baptist and everyone is invited. Come check it out especially if you have never been and you like to sing.
We invite you to worship with us at Calhoun Baptist Church where we are living, sharing, and telling the story of Christ. Our Sunday School starts at 10:00 am where there is a class for everyone. Then join us for worship at 11:00 am.