In his message brought from Acts 6:1-7 Pastor Mark Abney titled his sermon “The First Deacons”. In those days there was more work to be done than workers to do it. The apostles recognized the need to have more help with the ministry and so the first deacons were selected. These men showed visible signs of the fruit of the spirit. Because in part of their diligence, the church continued to grow. The same is true today, there is more work to be done than there are workers. We too are called to be a part of the work of Christ so that His church will grow.
Our prayers continue for the following people: Edwin Pogue, Ryan Mantonya, Alyson Paul, Robert Stags, Robert Cavah, Scott Calhoun, and baby Timothy Fields. We extend our heartfelt Christian sympathy to Sandra and Tom Spooner in the death of her mother Hazel Scott. How assuring it is to realize that God hears and answers our prayers so pray fervently.
We are collecting school supplies that will be distributed to Calhoun R-8 school students. Donations are needed by July 21st. The school supplies will be handed out on Friday, July 26 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm and then again Saturday, July 27 from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon in the church basement. Please help spread the word.
Come and join Celebrate Recovery which meets every Sunday evening beginning at 5:30 pm with supper. At 6:30 pm large group worship starts and then at 7:30 pm small groups meet. This week the lesson was on making amends. God’s word says, “Happy are the merciful” Matthew 5:7 and “Happy are the peacemakers.” Matthew 5:9. A – admit the hurt and harm, M – make a list, E – encourage one another, N – not for them, D – do it at the right time, and S – start living the promises of recovery. How can you begin living the promise of recovery?
If you do not have a church home or are not currently worshiping in one, we invite you to worship with us at Calhoun Baptist Church. We are striving to live, share, and tell the story of Christ. Come along beside us and be a part of the work. Our Sunday School starts at 10:00 am with a class for every age. Then join us for worship at 11:00 am.