Church News – August 23rd

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We opened our worship with hearty greetings and the song “Jesus Is All the World to Me”. Our pastor brought a message to us titled “Jesus Finds Paul” a familiar passage from Acts 9:1-18. Why is Paul’s conversion in the Word? He was the worst of the worst and yet he was saved by God and used by God in a mighty way. It is our nature to run from God, but He pursues us because He loves us with an everlasting love. There is no one that God can’t save.

Heather Hollinger celebrated her birthday this week on August 17th. Happy birthday wishes go out to her and we hope her day was special.

Continuing prayer is needed for the following people: Anna Myrtle Hansen, Gary Johnson, Jim Greer, Wayne and Jeri Hagan, Jayden Ingersoll, Robert Fields and Richard Sherrer. Please keep our teachers and students in mind as they return to school and pray for their safety and success. We praise our heavenly father knowing that he hears and answers our prayers.

With the resumption of school, our Wednesday Gospel Kids once again begins. This week our lesson was Daniel and His Friends Obeyed God. Daniel and his friends obeyed God by not eating the king’s food. Gospel Kids is for children grades kindergarten through sixth grade and meets from 6:00 – 7:00 pm weekly when school is in session.

Last Sunday evening we all enjoyed our annual ice cream social. There was quite a selection of delectable ice cream, toppings, and delicious desserts for all to enjoy. This event was well attended. Who doesn’t like ice cream?

Celebrate Recovery continues to meet every Sunday evening at 5:30 pm with supper, at 6:30 pm for large group worship and then at 7:30 pm for small groups. The lesson this week was on Crossroads. “If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! 1Corinthians 10:12” T- take time to do a personal inventory, E- evaluate the good and the bad parts of your day, N – need to admit our wrongs promptly. What amends did/are you putting off that would be better done promptly?

We invite you to worship with us at Calhoun Baptist Church where we are striving to live, share, and tell the story of Christ. Come along beside us, grow in your knowledge of the Lord, and find your place in His work. Sunday School starts at 10:00 am with a class for every age. Then join us for worship at 11:00 am. There is always room for you.