Church News – September 27th

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On a rainy Sunday morning we gathered to worship the Lord. “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship” was the first hymn we sang as we welcomed and greeted one another. Pastor Mark Abney delivered his sermon from Acts 10:1-11:17. Cornelius was a gentile centurion who was praying when an angel of the Lord told him to send for Peter. Peter himself was on a roof top praying when God showed him that the gospel was also for the gentiles. The Holy Spirit coordinated these events. Both men were devoted to prayer and obedience to God. What would the world be like if we too, as Christians, devoted ourselves to prayer and were obedient to God?

Please remember in prayer Gary Johnson, Jim Greer, Robert Fields, Alyson Paul, and the Junior Wilson family. Let’s continue praying for those affected by Hurricane Dorian and several tropical storms. Praise God who hears and answers our prayers.

We began a new unit in Gospel Kid’s this week titled “God the Provider”. The lesson was “Esther Became Queen” from Esther 1-4. The big picture question for this unit is Does God keep His promises? Children will discover that yes, God is always faithful even when we are not. We invite all children in kindergarten through sixth grades to come join us on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.

This past Sunday evening, we had a church picnic planned in Windsor Park. However, the weather did not cooperate so we held the picnic inside at church. CR was combined with this fellowship which made for a great turnout. After enjoying a delicious meal of grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, brats, and a variety of scrumptous dishes brought by attendees, we worshipped together with music provided by New Assembly. It was an evening enjoyed by all those attending.

Next Sunday is Singspiration. We look forward to meeting at Drake’s Chapel for this fifth Sunday event. Make plans to attend.

Come and worship with us at Calhoun Baptist Church where we are living, sharing, and telling the story of Christ. Our desire is for you to be a part of us, grow in your knowledge of the Lord, and find your place in His work. Sunday School begins at 10:00 am with a class for every age then Worship follows at 11:00 am.