“Oh How I Love Jesus” was our opening song and we joined in worship to celebrate our Lord Jesus. Pastor Mark Abney brought the sermon titled The Conditional Blessings of God from Bible text Leviticus 26:4-13. God brought us out of this world so we are slaves to nobody in this world. In these verses, God states 23 blessings. When God blesses us we must give Him the glory. Others will see us blessed and they will know God is real. In verses 26: 1-3, there are three conditions to receiving these blessings: 1) don’t make idols or worship them, 2) observe the sabbath, and 3) follow His commandments. If we follow these conditions, God will bless us.
Prayers are being lifted up for Chad Price, Caroline Wilson, Ashley Wheatley, Joyce Orbis, and Mary Jane Jackson. Continue praying for our healthcare workers and emergency personnel, law enforcement, and our country’s leaders. We are blessed to be able to approach the throne of grace with our prayers and to be confident knowing God hears and answers each one.
Livestreaming of the worship service continues. Check it out by going to our Facebook page at 11:00 am on Sunday mornings and you can worship with us in real-time.
Celebrate Recovery continues at 5:30 pm on Sunday evenings with a light supper. Then at 6:30 pm, large group worship starts followed by small groups at 7:30 pm. Last week’s lesson was READY. R – release control E – easy does it A – accept the change D – do replace your character defect Y – yield to the growth. What area of your life have you been able to turn over and surrender to Jesus Christ? Come be a part of this ministry.
We encourage you to remain faithful with your offering or tithe. Bring it in person or mail it into Calhoun Baptist Church, PO Box 33, Calhoun, Missouri 65323.
Come join us this Sunday morning at 10:00 am for Sunday School and Worship at 11:00 am. You will be most welcome.