On Sunday morning we were blessed by several ladies from “Hope House”. They shared their cardboard testimonies with our congregation. These ladies have overcome many difficulties in their lives and have come out victorious through life changing freedom in Jesus Christ. We appreciate their courage and pray for blessings on them.
Our prayer list this week includes Martie Henne, Taylor Wilcox, baby Easton Epperson, Michael Parker and Ron Kreisel. Please continue to remember those with Covid and those who are being the healing hands of God. Praise God for hearing and answering our prayers.
Celebrate Recovery continues every Sunday evening beginning at 5:30 with a meal, worship at 6:30 pm followed by small group at 7:30. The lesson for this week was YES. Y – yield myself to God, E – example is what is important, S – serve others as Jesus Christ did. “Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires.” Matthew 5:10. Come see for yourself if CR is a good fit for you.
At Christmas time we participate in the Lottie Moon Offering for foreign missions. You can have a part in helping to spread the gospel around the world. Please pray about what the Lord would have your gift be this year.
Mark your calendar for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6:00 pm December 24th. We hope you will join us on this very special evening.
Drive in, inside, and live streaming of our worship service is now available. To hear the worship service within the city limits tune your radio dial to 93.1 FM. Live streaming of our worship service begins at 11:00 am. Check it out by going to our Facebook page and you can worship with us in real time. Pastor Mark’s sermon is also available as a podcast on our website.
Come join us for Sunday School beginning at 10:00 am and Worship at 11:00 am. We look forward to greeting you.